Ministries for Adults
As Christian adults, we go through many phases throughout our lives including:
finishing up college
developing a career
starting a nurturing family
becoming an “empty-nester”
and all of these events are more joy-filled when we walk together. So come find your place, make some new friends and deepen your faith at Russellville First where no one walks alone.
Questions? Ask by email to
9:40 a.m. Sunday
We offer several Adult Sunday School options that each focus on a variety of topics. Each class is made up of individuals who are in various stages of life and at different points in their spiritual journey. For a complete list of our Adult Sunday School classes, CLICK HERE.
10:00 a.m. Wednesday
This class focuses on the upcoming lectionary passages and dig into the text for the following Sunday. Join our pastors as they take turns leading the class for live, instant feedback and discussions about the Holy Word. This class is offered in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m.
6:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday
There are several options for adults to participate on Wednesday evenings: Bible & Book Study (with Pastor Tony), Bible Book Club (with Pastor Lauren), Moxie Mommas, Chancel Choir Practice, volunteering to help with Youth and Children, and more!
If you are 50 years or older, you are a part of the Prime Timers community! We have game days, movie nights, and travel to various places across Arkansas and the United States. There are so many opportunities to enjoy life with great people. Come enjoy the fun! CLICK HERE to sign up for the Prime Timers' Monthly Newsletter.
Russellville First has many opportunities available for women. The Women’s Ministry is designed so that every woman has a place to fellowship with other women, deepen their spirituality through Bible study or worship opportunities, sing and pray together, and discover their individual gifts. You are invited to join us in all of the activities at Russellville First!
This class is for women to connect with each other and share their journey to faith. Through fellowship and study, this group strengthens the spiritual discovery and growth of each participant. This group focuses on study-based books and meets weekly to encourage and develop friendships with one another. For more information about G.R.O.W., contact the church office.
At Russellville First, the United Women in Faith (UWFaith) organization is a vital ministry of teaching, sharing, and advocating for others all over the world. They have small groups (called "Circles") that meet for study and fellowship.
If you would like more information about UMW, contact the church office. To learn more about UWFaith, CLICK HERE.
The men of the church gather for a fellowship breakfast with Pastor Tony every other month, typically on the last Saturday of the month. This free, hearty breakfast encourages the men to come hungry and ready to fellowship. Questions? Email Pastor Tony!
These small groups help Christians to grow in loving God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love their neighbors as themselves. They meet weekly to focus on mutual accountability and support for each other on the path of discipleship. Joining a Covenant Discipleship group will help you draw closer to the Lord and help fulfill your call in Christ’s mission to the world.
This ministry for adults ages 18-25 is designed to connect young people to each other, to the church, and to God. They meet weekly on Monday evenings in addition to times set aside for mission and fellowship.
Sunday School Classes for Adults
9:40-10:30 a.m.
Room 118
Class Contact: Hugh Dorminy
Great for people of all ages who have a passion to learn more about their faith through a small group discussion.
Room 106
Class Contact: Betty Cole
This class started 50 years ago and is still going strong! It’s perfect for older age groups that enjoy roundtable discussions and shared teaching duties.
Room 120
Class Contact: Sue Hanson
This class uses material based on current news mostly but may rotate studies of the various books of the Bible, United Methodist principles and DVD based studies of contemporary issues facing Christians. No teacher, just facilitation of open and lively discussion. Everyone invited.
Room 211
Class Contact: Chuck Wiest
This is one of largest adult classes and begins with a time of informal fellowship, singing and prayer concerns. With its roundtable discussion and lecture combo, it’s suited for all ages.
Room 110
Class Contact: Bob Gordon
The largest of all the classes, this intergenerational class is lecture based with good discussion led by Jerry Burns.
Room 204
Class Contact: Bev Lynch
This class is a Bible-based study with a focus on helping women of all ages and stages grow in their faith and deal with the anxieties and pressures of daily life. The goal of our studies is to watch how the joy of the Lord can, and will, change not just our lives but work through us to positively impact the lives of others.
Room 203
Class Contact: Alan Ward
Growing in Christ is comprised of individuals and couples ranging in age from mid-thirties to mid-fifties. The lessons vary between in-depth studies of the books of the Bible as well as topical issues affecting Christians today. The class relies on open discussion and sharing by those present to facilitate a productive study. The class members strive to Grow in Christ together as we learn about our faith, the Bible, and what it means to follow Jesus.
Room 112
Class Contact: John Shoptaw
Geared toward adults 60 and up, this class discusses a variety of topics based on class interests.
Room 116
Class Contact: Scott Dorminy
This is a small group of adults, both singles and couples. Studies are usually very discussion-based.
Room 206
Class Contact: Carole Tarvin
The class uses a curriculum called "The Wired Word" that offers reflection on events and ideas in our everyday lives and how they connect to our faith. The goals for this class are to provide support, encouragement, love, prayer, and conversation in the context of spiritual enrichment and study.
Be a part of the churchwide Advent/Christmas mission project to collect items for cleaning and hygiene kits for United Methodist Committee On Relief's (UMCOR) Sager Brown distribution center in Baldwin, Louisiana. These kits will be collected at UMCOR sites across the US, ready to be deployed whenever a natural disaster happens. When Hurricane Helene devastated parts of the US in September, UMCOR was one of the first groups on the ground to offer help, and they're still there helping people clean out the damaged homes and helping people to rebuild. In January, 14 people from our congregation will head to Sager Brown to serve in mission for a week. And as a part of our service, we'd like to take hygiene kits and cleaning kits with us. Here is how you can help:
•Give a monetary donation: You can write a check or give a cash donation to UMCOR for these kits and we will take those donations with us. Please make your check out to FUMC and put UMCOR in the memo section or indicate on a cash donation that the gift is for UMCOR.
•We're challenging all of our Sunday school classes and small groups to put together at least one cleaning kit or give a donation for $75 to pay for the cleaning kit supplies. To find the list of necessary items for a cleaning kit, visit
•Individuals and families can donate items for hygiene kits. Our mission team will put these kits together before we leave at the end of January. To find the list of necessary items for a hygiene kit, visit